10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (2024)

Last updated on September 15th, 2021

Graphic designs such as logos, brochures, business cards, etc. are extremely important to build brand identity of a business. These designs also work as an effective marketing tool that helps in implementing a marketing strategy. But fonts are one of the major elements of a wide range of graphic design. A particular use of a font can change the whole complexion of a logo and other designs. So, choice of graphic design fonts matters a lot when it comes to creating impressive designs.

Once, only limited graphic design fonts were available to the graphic designers for free. This restricted their creativity when they wished to incorporate a certain font to convey a message through the design.

High-quality popular graphic design fonts were accessible at a very expensive price which not all the designers and clients could afford. But now thanks to Google Fonts and various other useful sources, hundreds of high-end graphic design fonts are easily available for free to the designers on the web.

So, they have many excellent choices of fonts to design a logo or any other graphic design with the help of the below mentioned best graphic design fonts.

Here, we give you a select list of top 10 free graphic design fonts that were once very costly but today they are readily available for free download online. These useful fonts provide flexibility and convenience to take your graphic design works to a newer level.

You can confidently use these fonts for your logo design, tour and travel logo designs, event management banner designs and many other such projects.

Here Are 10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers

01. Reis

If you are interested in designing posters and logos, then Reis is perhaps the perfect graphic design font. You can get it free of charge from the web. The font is in handwritten design and is considered by the designers as one of the coolest amongst all fonts.

10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (1)

Created by Marcelo Reis Melo, this font is a great choice for graphic design especially those who design posters and logos. You can also use this font for personal purposes besides the commercial ones.

The font has an informal look, which makes it ideal for a majority of posters. This is an ideal font for website design that belongs to the businesses that want to convey a message in an amicable and socializing way.

02. Big John

Big John has a bold typeface and can be used in most of the graphic designs where a bold statement is the need of the design. This font is accompanied by a sister font, Slim Joe. Spain-based designer Ion is credited for creating Big John.

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It has a geometric design and comes with a sister font, Slim Joe. You can use the font free for personal purposes, whereas its commercial use requires paid subscription. This sans serif font has a certain formal air that makes it a good choice for the professional graphic designs for serious business organizations.

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03. Jaapokki

Jaapokki is your perfect choice when you plan to create a headline that catches the eye instantly. Created by Finnish designer Mikko Nuuttila, Jaapokki has clean lines. It has a large set of glyphs. The font comes in two alternatives. Besides a good font for headlines, you can confidently use it forlogo design.

10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (3)

04. Anders

Creative advertising student Tom Anders Watkins designed Anders font as an experimental project. He says “Using influences from modern font design, I wanted something very minimal and a little unique, here’s the result,”

10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (4)

So, if you are looking for a font that is modern and minimal in its design, then Anders can suits to your design requirements. Thin lines of the letters in this font can be used to create an impression of more space on a tightly spaced business card design. With double lines on the letters, the fonts appear unique to the viewers.

05. Aventura

Aventura was created by graphic designer Jimmy Kalman. His inspiration behind the font was outdoors. The font has a full set of uppercase letters, a selection of characters and numbers.

10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (5)

Use the font for the designs that depict nature and adventure as well as free spirit. You can access Aventura free of charge for personal use or pay for commercial purpose such as to create brochure design.

06. AXIS

AXIS was developed by New York-based graphic designer Jean M Wojciechowski. It is a sans serif font. The font was created for urban environment with inspiration from geometry.

10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (6)

AXIS should be your choice for the designs that are intended to give a message of happiness. Many vegetable and food product supermarkets have incorporated this font to build logo and brand identity.

07. Azedo

Azedo was created was Portugal-based graphic designer Pedro Azedo. This gorgeous typeface is a good choice for all types of graphic design works like logos, brochures, cards, websites and even packaging designs.

10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (7)

You can use the font also especially for the headlines of all sizes, print graphics, logos, badges and print t-shirts. Pedro had created this font as a new identity for himself.

08. Elegant Lux

Elegant Lux was created by designer Florian Paizs. But he is still working on the font to make it more useful. He says, “This is my interpretation and sketching of Hans Möhring’s sketches of Elegant Grotesk from 1929.”

10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (8)

He is ‘correcting kerning issues and developing more weights.’ But, the font is available free to graphic designers who are interested to use the font at this stage.

Recommended Reading:

  • 9 Preventable Mistakes Graphic Designers Make When It Comes To Digital Marketing
  • Top 15 Tools And Apps Every Graphic Designer Should Have In 2021
  • 40 Crucial Lessons From The Most Famous Graphic Designers In History

09. Futuracha

Futuracha is a font that will remind you of the art deco’s style. So, if you are interested in involving this style in your graphic design such as illustration and graphics, you can use this font to convey the message. The edges of the letters are radically extended deliberately to give the font the art deco’s style.

10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (9)

10. Building

Building should be your choice when you want to create a strong visual impact through your graphic design. Created by Italian design student Leonardo Gubbioni, the font’s primary purpose is capture the attention of the viewers.

10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (10)

So, if you are facing some issues regarding the viewers’ attention, this is the right fonts to incorporate in your logo or any other graphic design such as social media page design.

These are surely unique and attractive fonts that you can use to create graphic designs of your choice. Make sure that the font you pick is as per your business requirements. The font must stand for your brand personality.

You can crowdsource your logo design and other graphic design works to Designhill for its advantage of affordable prices. You will get many design submissions from dozens of graphic designers.

These designers will deliver you their skills and graphic design service at one price that you set as prize money for the winner of your design contest. Designhill will refund your money under its 100% Money Back Guarantee policy if you do find the designs satisfactory.

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These are inspirational fonts that most go well with all types of graphic designs. Once highly expensive, these fonts are now available free for commercial use. But make sure that you pick the fonts that match with your brand personality of the design.

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10 Best And Free Graphic Design Fonts For Graphic Designers - Designhill (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

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