Interior designer CV example + writing guide [get hired] (2024)

When you’re searching for new opportunities as an interior designer, having an eye-catching and engaging CV is vital.

Your CV should be a combination of compelling content and a well-defined structure, that highlights your marketable skills.

This guide containing an interior designer CV example, will give you the tools to produce a strong CV, helping you land an interview.

Guide contents

  • Interior designerCV example
  • Structuring and formatting your CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education
  • Skills required for yourinterior designerCV

Interior designerCV example

Interior designer CV example + writing guide [get hired] (1)

Interior designer CV example + writing guide [get hired] (2)

ThisCV example demonstrates how to correctly format your interior designer CV to grab recruiters’ attention, enticing them to delve deeper into your experience.

As the guide continues we’ll walk you through how to write a CV that will stand out to recruiters.

CV structure & format

Structure is a key component of CV writing, enabling you to engage recruiters at first glance.

You need to facilitate ease of reading, adopting a clear and professional structure, which allows recruiters to quickly and easily navigate your experience, pinpointing why you’re the ideal candidate for roles.

This infographic guides you on how to structure your CV, and what sections you need to be incorporating.

Interior designer CV example + writing guide [get hired] (4)

Formatting Tips

  • Your CV should ideally be 2 pages long, enough space to display your relevancy for roles without boring the reader
  • Usebold headers and defined sections to break up large blocks of text, highlighting key information using bullet points
  • Avoid overcomplicating your CV, stick to a simple and professional design with a muted colour pallet and clear font
  • Stay away from adding any imagery to your CV such as company logos or headshots, these waste space without adding value

Structuring your CV

Split your CV into clear sections, working towards the below structure:

  • Contact details –make sure you’re easily reachable, keeping your contact details to the top of the page
  • Profile – begin your CV will an introductory paragraph, showcasing your applicable skills, experience and sector specific qualifications at first glance
  • Work experience / Career history –detailing yourwork experience in reverse chronological order
  • Education –documenting your educational history, highlightingqualifications most significant to the interior design field
  • Interests and hobbies –an additional section, that can be used to focus onany interests that display your transferable skills

This guide will now teach you how to produce each section, so you can craft a CV that aids you in securing your dream job.

CV Contact Details

Interior designer CV example + writing guide [get hired] (5)

Make it easy for recruiters to contact you, by displaying your contact details right at the top of the page.

You only need to include essential information within this section, such as:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Location
  • Look to include a link to your LinkedIn profile if you have one

Quick Tip:Avoid adding additional information that isn’t required in the decision making process such as marital status, your date of birth, profile pictures or even your full home address, as the city you live in is enough detail.

CV Profile

Your CV profile should be an opening paragraph between 5-10 lines, that draws recruiters’ attention at the top of your CV, engaging them to explore your experience further.

Providing insight on your applicable skills, qualifications and sector specific experience at first glance, summarising your CV.

Interior designer CV example + writing guide [get hired] (6)

These tips will aid you in producing your profile:

  • Keep your profile concise, working to a length of 5-10 lines, you will be able to elaborate elsewhere in your CV
  • Be unique in your descriptions, avoiding cliche phrases such as “I’m a hard worker” or “I give 110%”, these make you blend into the crowd and add novalue to your CV
  • Research the interior design industry prior to producing your profile and incorporate any keywords or specific requirements you found from fact finding
  • Save any personal objectives or details regarding what you’re looking for from an employer for your cover letter

What to include in your CV profile?

  • Types of projects you have been involved with– whether working on commercial properties, housing developments or working with individual home owners
  • Interior designerqualifications –BTECs in Art and Design, a degree in art or interior design or an advanced diploma in interior design
  • Technical skills – Are you able to be creative, interact with clients, work to building codes or have knowledge matching colours or awareness of fabrics
  • Previous companies worked for –Whether you have worked as a consultant, for an interior design firm, worked for a retailer, in hospitality or design consultancy
  • Level of your experience – Whether youhave recently graduated, starting as an intern in the industry or have successfully managed several projects or even lead junior designers

Core skills section

Beneath your CV profile, include a core skills section which is comprised of your marketable skills, demonstrating why you’re the ideal candidate for interior design roles at first glance.

This section should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points.

Interior designer CV example + writing guide [get hired] (7)

Use your sector specific research to support you in creating this section and use the below vital skills section of this guide for further inspiration.

Work experience/Career history

Record all your previous work experience in reverse chronological order.

Look to include all types of experience whether full time/part time employment, voluntary work, internships or work experience.

Interior designer CV example + writing guide [get hired] (9)

Reserve space for your most recent or more relevant positions, giving only a brief description for older or less relevant posts.

Structuring your roles

Facilitate ease of reading byusing a clear format foreach of your role descriptions, pinpointing essential information to recruiters.

Break up large blocks of text by separating your descriptions into the three segments below.

Interior designer CV example + writing guide [get hired] (10)


Give recruiters an insight into the role you assumed, the company you worked for and potentially even the department you were part of.


“Working as an interior designer for a leading architect, advising clients and providing options for office space designs.”

Key responsibilities

Use bullet points to display your key duties in each role, recording any project involvement and highlighting key relationships built.


  • Preparing design boards for clients, giving a range of colour and fabric choices
  • Using AutoCad to develop 2D and 3D models of plans

Key achievements

Showcase the value you have within an organisation by displaying your key achievements.

Look to strengthen your examples by adding applicable facts and figures.


  • Delivered on a project 2 days ahead of schedule, whilst also reducing costs by 4%


Underneath your work experience, include a section to record your educational history.

Begin with any qualifications most pertinent to interior design roles, such as degrees in interior design or courses in art and design, or interior design diplomas and BTECs.

If you have room available look to add any additional qualifications obtained, for example, GCSE’s, A Levels, other degrees or any vocational training.

Interests and hobbies

Unlike other sections in your CV, hobbies and interests are optional.

Only look to include hobbies that will help to further your application, avoiding generic hobbies such as socialising.

Reflect on hobbies that demonstrate your creativity which is a key interior design strength, such as attending art classes or pottery making.

Essential skills for your CV

Each company may differ in the skill set they require, but below are the core skills you should include within your interior design CV.

Design trends and history–Being aware of current trends, drawing inspiration from design history

Budget management–Understanding the need to stick to clear budgets without sacrificing your design

AutoCAD–Understanding of software to produce designs and models

Concept design and sketching –Being able to produce free hand drawings for clients and developing design boards

Writing your interior design CV

Your CV is your opportunity to sell yourself, so it needs to stand out from the crowd.

You need to have a strong CV structure that is not only visually pleasing but highlights your marketable skills.

Use this guide to help you create a stand out CV that will get you one step closer to landing a new position.

Good luck with your job search.

Interior designer CV example + writing guide [get hired] (2024)


How do I write an interior design CV? ›

How To Write An Interior Designer Resume
  1. Create the resume header. The header is the first section of your resume and includes your name and contact details. ...
  2. Include a professional summary. ...
  3. Highlight your skills. ...
  4. Specify your work experience. ...
  5. Mention your educational qualifications. ...
  6. List certifications.
Mar 18, 2023

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6 Steps To Make Your House Look Like You Just Hired An Interior Designer
  1. Step 1: Make a mood board - get inspired! ...
  2. Step 2: Color Palette - stick to three colors or shades. ...
  3. Step 3: Set your floor plan. ...
  4. Step 4: Know your budget. ...
  5. Step 5: Have a statement piece - think big! ...
  6. Step 6: Don't forget to accessorize.
Dec 15, 2023

How do I write about myself as an interior designer? ›

Discuss your skills and experiences that are directly relevant to the job description. As an interior designer, you might want to talk about your experience with space planning, color theory, materials selection, client relations, project management, and any specific design styles you specialize in.

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be good at identifying problems and finding solutions. develop your good negotiation skills (e.g. when a client comes to you with a budget that is unrealistic for what they want to achieve!) be able to convey design ideas to non-designers - e.g. break down jargon or technical language so they can understand.

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Charging your clients per room is another easy billing option. You can charge a per-room fee for interior design work only, which can range from $500 to $1500 per room. If you charge for furniture, materials and finishes selection as well as your design work, your fee would go up to between $1,000 and $7500 per room.

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Make sure to nurture your network and meet people in your industry. Architects, builders, and realtors for example are great contacts to have. Their clients can be your clients, too so make sure they know about you and your offerings so they can refer their clients to you when they are looking for an interior designer.

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Not only does interior design allow me to work with problem-solving situations, but it also allows me to build creative, beautiful things that have functional end results.

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This question invites candidates to demonstrate their organization and project management skills. You'll want to hire an interior designer who not only produces aesthetically pleasing work, but also listens to client needs, prioritizes tasks, and manages resources like time and budget wisely.

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Interior Designer Cover Letter Example

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Interior Designer position at Legal Assistance Innovators. As a passionate and experienced interior designer, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my creative vision and expertise to your esteemed organization.

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Several elements are essential in an SOP format. These are the introduction, academic details, professional attainments (if any), reasons to choose a course, college, future goals, and ties to the home country. If you mention the details in all these points in the correct sequence, your approval chances are high.

What are the five steps to become an interior designer? ›

From earning a degree to gaining work experience to taking an interior design exam, each step moves candidates closer to becoming an interior designer.
  1. Earn a Degree. ...
  2. Gain Professional Experience. ...
  3. Pass the NCIDQ Exam. ...
  4. Build a Design Portfolio. ...
  5. Get Hired or Start Your Own Firm.

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Interior design is a modern, fast-paced industry requiring many talents and learned skills. Gaining interior design skills requires a strong work ethic and a deep passion for the craft.

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To get a better sense of what it takes to be successful in this industry, we asked six interior designers to weigh in on what their jobs are really like. One thing they all agreed on? It's hard work, but they absolutely love it. And it is that passion that helps when you hit road bumps along the way.

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The top sections on a designer CV

Design portfolio showcases your best work and style. Work experience details past roles and relevant projects. Education background includes degrees and design-related courses. Technical skills highlight software proficiency and design tools.

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It's crucial to tailor your Design CV for specific design jobs, as different roles may require distinct skill sets or qualifications. Once your CV is complete, seek feedback from a trusted peer. Ask them to proofread your CV and then review your professional abilities and notable clients.


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.