The Miller Lab - Visualizing Real World Data Timelines in R (2024)


Sophia Z. Shalhout, David M. Miller


April 25, 2020


DataViz of RWD Timelines Using R and TimeVis

  • Real World Data (RWD) in clinical medicine is data obtained from diverse settings outside of traditional clinical trials (e.g.observational cohort studies in the real-world setting)
    • Analytical tools to facilitate interpretation of RWD are sorely needed
  • This post provides a reference resource for creating timelines in R which may be useful in depicting the clinical course of patients in the real-world setting.
    • We provide an overview of how to create static timelines which may be useful for publications, case reports, and presentations. We will use ggplot2 and R.
    • We outline the steps to creating and visualizing interactive timelines using the timevis package created by Dean Attali and Almende B.V. Interactive timelines allow us to capture complex courses and are useful for dashboards, presentations, and comparing the overall clinical courses of patients in registries.
    • We briefly describe how to stylize the timelines, handle date ranges and positioning across the timeline, as well as visualize durations of events.
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
    • Assumption made by this post is that readers have some familiarity with basic R.

Let’s load the packages we will use.


Merkel Cell Carcinoma Example Patient Clinical Course Data

  • Let’s first create an “example” data set for demonstrative purposes for a patient with Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC)
  • We will create a dataframe covering the clinical course of a fictious patient diagnosed with MCC
    • We can also generate random data in R but to stay true to time in between systemic therapy cycles and surveillance imaging, we will combine fictious data to keep a sensible order of and to events.
Merkel <- data.frame( Year = c(rep(c(2018), times =12), rep(c(2019), times =2)),  Months = c(1,2,2,3,6,9,9,10,11,11,12,12,1,3),  Days = c(1,2,15,2,2,8,29,20,10,27,1,23,15,10), Milestones = c("Diagnosed with MCC", "PET-CT (No evidence of metastatic disease)", "WLE and SLNBx", "PET-CT (No evidence of disease)", "PET-CT (No evidence of disease)", "PET-CT (Concerning for Recurrence)", "Cycle 1", "Cycle 2", "Cycle 3","PET-CT (Partial Response)","Cycle 4", "Cycle 5", "Cycle 6","PET-CT (Complete Response)"),  Event_type= c("Biopsy", "Imaging", "Surgery", "Imaging", "Imaging", "Imaging", "Immunotherapy", "Immunotherapy","Immunotherapy","Imaging","Immunotherapy", "Immunotherapy", "Immunotherapy", "Imaging")) #The data set was created with the year, month and day in separate columns. Let's add the complete date column nowMerkel$date <- with(Merkel, ymd(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', Merkel$Year, Merkel$Months, Merkel$Days))) # of note, the ymd() function transforms dates stored in character and numeric vectors to Date## we are using the code with(df, ymd(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', year, mon, day))) to take those three columns and merge them into one that is recognized as a date in RMerkel <- Merkel[with(Merkel, order(date)), ]# of note, an alternate code to arrange the df in ascending date order would have been: ## Merkel <- Merkel %>% arrange(date)

Let’s view the data

201811Diagnosed with MCCBiopsy2018-01-01
201822PET-CT (No evidence of metastatic disease)Imaging2018-02-02
2018215WLE and SLNBxSurgery2018-02-15
201832PET-CT (No evidence of disease)Imaging2018-03-02
201862PET-CT (No evidence of disease)Imaging2018-06-02
201898PET-CT (Concerning for Recurrence)Imaging2018-09-08

Additional Data Wrangling

  • Set the milestones to ordinal categorical variables
  • Assign colors for appropriate groupings of all the imaging, systemic therapy, and surgery of MCC disease so our events will be color coded by type of milestone.
# Add a specified order to these event type labelesEvent_type_levels <- c("Biopsy", "Surgery", "Imaging", "Immunotherapy") # Define the colors for the event types in the specified order. ## These hashtagged codes represent the colors (blue, green, yellow, red) as hexadecimal color codes.Event_type_colors <- c("#C00000", "#FFC000", "#00B050", "#0070C0" ) # Make the Event_type vector a factor using the levels we defined aboveMerkel$Event_type <- factor(Merkel$Event_type, levels= Event_type_levels, ordered=TRUE)
Each Milestone on the timeline will need to be positioned carefully. We will vary the height or direction on the timeline milestones to avoid overlapping or overcrowded text descriptions.
# Set the heights we will use for our milestones.positions <- c(0.5, -0.5, 1.0, -1.0, 1.25, -1.25, 1.5, -1.5) # Set the directions we will use for our milestone, for example above and below.directions <- c(1, -1) # Assign the positions & directions to each date from those set above.line_pos <- data.frame( "date"=unique(Merkel$date), "position"=rep(positions, length.out=length(unique(Merkel$date))), "direction"=rep(directions, length.out=length(unique(Merkel$date))))
# Create columns with the specified positions and directions for each milestone eventMerkel <- merge(x=Merkel, y=line_pos, by="date", all = TRUE) # Let's view the new columns.kable(head(Merkel))
2018-01-01201811Diagnosed with MCCBiopsy0.501
2018-02-02201822PET-CT (No evidence of metastatic disease)Imaging-0.50-1
2018-02-152018215WLE and SLNBxSurgery1.001
2018-03-02201832PET-CT (No evidence of disease)Imaging-1.00-1
2018-06-02201862PET-CT (No evidence of disease)Imaging1.251
2018-09-08201898PET-CT (Concerning for Recurrence)Imaging-1.25-1

Let’s set the range for our timeline

  • Let’s have each month and year appear on our timeline, not only the months with events
  • We will also start the timeline one month before and one month after the beginning and end of the patient clinical course milestones
# Create a one month "buffer" at the start and end of the timelinemonth_buffer <- 1 month_date_range <- seq(min(Merkel$date) - months(month_buffer), max(Merkel$date) + months(month_buffer), by='month')# We are adding one month before and one month after the earliest and latest milestone in the clinical course.## We want the format of the months to be in the 3 letter abbreviations of each month.month_format <- format(month_date_range, '%b') month_df <- data.frame(month_date_range, month_format)year_date_range <- seq(min(Merkel$date) - months(month_buffer), max(Merkel$date) + months(month_buffer), by='year')# We will only show the years for which we have a december to january transition.year_date_range <- as.Date( intersect( ceiling_date(year_date_range, unit="year"), floor_date(year_date_range, unit="year")),  origin = "1970-01-01") # We want the format to be in the four digit format for years.year_format <- format(year_date_range, '%Y') year_df <- data.frame(year_date_range, year_format)

Plot the timeline with ggplot

  • We are ready to plot our timeline now!
# Create timeline coordinates with an x and y axistimeline_plot<-ggplot(Merkel,aes(x=date,y= position, col=Event_type, label=Merkel$Milestones)) # Add the label Milestonestimeline_plot<-timeline_plot+labs(col="Milestones") # Print plottimeline_plot
Warning: Use of `Merkel$Milestones` is discouraged.ℹ Use `Milestones` instead.

The Miller Lab - Visualizing Real World Data Timelines in R (1)

# Assigning the colors and order to the milestonestimeline_plot<-timeline_plot+scale_color_manual(values=Event_type_colors, labels=Event_type_levels, drop = FALSE) # Using the classic theme to remove background graytimeline_plot<-timeline_plot+theme_classic() # Plot a horizontal line at y=0 for the timelinetimeline_plot<-timeline_plot+geom_hline(yintercept=0,  color = "black", size=0.3)
Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
# Print plottimeline_plot

The Miller Lab - Visualizing Real World Data Timelines in R (2)

# Plot the vertical lines for our timeline's milestone eventstimeline_plot<-timeline_plot+geom_segment(data=Merkel, aes(y=Merkel$position,yend=0,xend=Merkel$date), color='black', size=0.2) # Now let's plot the scatter points at the tips of the vertical lines and datetimeline_plot<-timeline_plot+geom_point(aes(y=Merkel$position), size=3) # Let's remove the axis since this is a horizontal timeline and postion the legend to the bottomtimeline_plot<-timeline_plot+theme(axis.line.y=element_blank(), axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank(), axis.text.x =element_blank(), axis.ticks.x =element_blank(), axis.line.x =element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom" ) # Print plottimeline_plot
Warning: Use of `Merkel$position` is discouraged.ℹ Use `position` instead.
Warning: Use of `Merkel$date` is discouraged.ℹ Use `date` instead.
Warning: Use of `Merkel$Milestones` is discouraged.ℹ Use `Milestones` instead.
Warning: Use of `Merkel$position` is discouraged.ℹ Use `position` instead.
Warning: Use of `Merkel$Milestones` is discouraged.ℹ Use `Milestones` instead.

The Miller Lab - Visualizing Real World Data Timelines in R (3)

# Let's add the text for each monthtimeline_plot<-timeline_plot+geom_text(data=month_df, aes(x=month_date_range,y=-0.15,label=month_format),size=3.5,vjust=0.5, color='black', angle=90) # Let's add the yearstimeline_plot<-timeline_plot+geom_text(data=year_df, aes(x=year_date_range,y=-0.25,label=year_format, fontface="bold"),size=3.5, color='black') # Print plotprint(timeline_plot)
Warning: Use of `Merkel$position` is discouraged.ℹ Use `position` instead.
Warning: Use of `Merkel$date` is discouraged.ℹ Use `date` instead.
Warning: Use of `Merkel$Milestones` is discouraged.ℹ Use `Milestones` instead.
Warning: Use of `Merkel$position` is discouraged.ℹ Use `position` instead.
Warning: Use of `Merkel$Milestones` is discouraged.ℹ Use `Milestones` instead.

The Miller Lab - Visualizing Real World Data Timelines in R (4)

# We need to add the labels of each milestone now. ## To do this we have to define the text position. A clean timeline should have the labels situatuated a bit above the scatter points.### Since we have the positions of the points already defined, we will place the labels 0.2 pts away from the scatter points.# Lets offset the labels 0.2 away from scatter pointstext_offset <- 0.2 # Let's use the absolute value since we want to add the text_offset and increase space away from the scatter points absolute_value<-(abs(Merkel$position)) text_position<- absolute_value + text_offset# Let's keep the direction above or below for the labels to match the scatter pointsMerkel$text_position<- text_position * Merkel$direction # View head of the tablekable(head(Merkel))
2018-01-01201811Diagnosed with MCCBiopsy0.5010.70
2018-02-02201822PET-CT (No evidence of metastatic disease)Imaging-0.50-1-0.70
2018-02-152018215WLE and SLNBxSurgery1.0011.20
2018-03-02201832PET-CT (No evidence of disease)Imaging-1.00-1-1.20
2018-06-02201862PET-CT (No evidence of disease)Imaging1.2511.45
2018-09-08201898PET-CT (Concerning for Recurrence)Imaging-1.25-1-1.45
# Now we can add the labels to the timeline for our milestones.timeline_plot<-timeline_plot+geom_text(aes(y=Merkel$text_position,label=Merkel$Milestones),size=3.5, vjust=0.6)# Print plotprint(timeline_plot)

The Miller Lab - Visualizing Real World Data Timelines in R (5)

# Now we can add the labels to the timeline for our milestones.timeline_plot<-timeline_plot+geom_text(aes(y=Merkel$text_position,label=Merkel$Milestones),size=3.5, vjust=0.6)# Print plotprint(timeline_plot)

The Miller Lab - Visualizing Real World Data Timelines in R (6)

Let’s use plotly to make this static timeline interactive

  • ggplotly will enable ggplots with plotly functionality
    • This will engender hover text features as well as the ability to select certain elements of the graph to zoom in and out of

Let’s create interactive timelines with the package timevis

  • With this timeline, let’s show duration on Checkpoint Inhibior- Systemic Therapy, rather than indicate the date of each cycle of therapy
  • We will add start and end dates to display durations using the data we created for the static and plotly timeline above
# Let's prepare our data so that it is compatible with quick visualization in timevis## Each milestone will need a start date added. If it is a duration, we will also supply the end date# Let's remove Cycles 2,3,4,5 and 6 since we will just show the patient's duration on systemic therapy and not the individual cycle datesMCC<- Merkel[-c(8,9,11:13),] # The start date for each milestone is the date of the event. ## If it was a single date event and not a duration, it will not have an end date.MCC$start <-MCC$date # The end date will be "NA" if the event had no duration. ## Only systemic therapy will have an end date which will be the date of cycle 6.MCC$end<-c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,"2019-01-15", NA, NA) #Let's replace the label "Cycle 1" with "Checkpoint Inhibitor- Systemic Therapy" using library stringrlibrary(stringr)MCC$Milestones<-str_replace_all(MCC$Milestones, "Cycle 1", "Checkpoint Inhibitor- Systemic Therapy")# Each milestone will need an ID for visualization and content for labels.MCC$id<- 1:9MCC$content<- MCC$Milestoneskable(head(MCC))
2018-01-01201811Diagnosed with MCCBiopsy0.5010.702018-01-01NA1Diagnosed with MCC
2018-02-02201822PET-CT (No evidence of metastatic disease)Imaging-0.50-1-0.702018-02-02NA2PET-CT (No evidence of metastatic disease)
2018-02-152018215WLE and SLNBxSurgery1.0011.202018-02-15NA3WLE and SLNBx
2018-03-02201832PET-CT (No evidence of disease)Imaging-1.00-1-1.202018-03-02NA4PET-CT (No evidence of disease)
2018-06-02201862PET-CT (No evidence of disease)Imaging1.2511.452018-06-02NA5PET-CT (No evidence of disease)
2018-09-08201898PET-CT (Concerning for Recurrence)Imaging-1.25-1-1.452018-09-08NA6PET-CT (Concerning for Recurrence)

Let’s plot the timeline with timevis!

# As you can see, when we provided an end date, like with the checkpoint inhibitor duration, it is shown as a range not a single event date.timevis(MCC)
  • High-quality data visualizations of a patient’s journey can facilitate interpretation of clinical courses in Real World Data, potentially leading to a better understanding of best practices through analysis of data in the real-world setting
  • Although no one specific package will likely meet all of your DataViz needs, R has several nice packages that can faciliate Timeline Data Visualizations of Real World Data

As always, please reach out to us with thoughts and feedback


The Miller Lab - Visualizing Real World Data Timelines in R (2024)


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