What are your key personal branding elements? (2024)

Last updated on Dec 2, 2023

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Your purpose


Your story


Your voice


Your visuals


Your platform


Your network


Here’s what else to consider

Personal branding is the process of creating and communicating a unique and consistent image of yourself to your target audience. It helps you stand out from the crowd, showcase your value, and build trust and credibility. But what are the key elements of a successful personal brand? In this article, we will explore six aspects that you need to consider when developing your own personal brand.

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  • Pooja Soni Building Impactful Personal Brands | 470k @LinkedIn | Organic Growth Hacker | LinkedIn Top Personal Branding Voice

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What are your key personal branding elements? (12) What are your key personal branding elements? (13) What are your key personal branding elements? (14)

1 Your purpose

Your purpose is the core of your personal brand. It is the reason why you do what you do, and what drives you to make a positive impact. Your purpose should reflect your passions, values, and goals, and align with your target audience's needs and expectations. To define your purpose, ask yourself questions like: What is your mission? What problems do you solve? What makes you unique? How do you want to be remembered?

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  • Pooja Soni Building Impactful Personal Brands | 470k @LinkedIn | Organic Growth Hacker | LinkedIn Top Personal Branding Voice

    Building a personal brand is a journey that takes time, but it isn't too difficult either.Here are my key elements to keep in mind;1. Authenticity: Embrace your unique qualities, values, and experiences and build trust with your audience.2. Clarity: Define a clear, concise message that communicates who you are and what you can offer.3. Target Audience: Identify your target audience-those who would benefit from your message, expertise, or offerings.4. The key to success is CONSISTENCY. 5. Networking: Build relationships in your industry or field. Engage with peers, mentors, and clients to expand reach and credibility.6. Keep learning, Keep growing. Stay updated with recent trends. Good luck :)


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  • Your purpose is why you do, what you do! Be very clear about your strengths, what you’re doing, what are your values and what do you want to achieve!


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  • Whether you're in business development, looking for a new job, or simply enjoy sharing your thoughts, being intentional about building a personal brand is a smart idea. The ultimate objective is to get on the radar of people you might not otherwise know who can open doors to opportunity you might not otherwise get. So, think about whose radar you want to be on and create content that appeals to that audience.


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  • Lisa McGuire, Ed.S. Position your brand by aligning with your design. Define your identity, Determine your ideal direction, Differentiate yourself in the industry. | Your Passion, Purpose and Personal Brand podcast.

    Many people try to craft a personal brand based on their expertise alone. When information is an AI prompt away, expertise is no longer enough. People connect with emotion and your "why" is a memorable way to allow people to join into your movement. By engaging with you they become part of your success.


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  • Mohamed Elawadi, MBA Strategic Marketing Consultant | Marketing Manager | Outsourcing Specialist | Driving Business Growth through Customized Solutions

    At the heart of a fulfilling personal brand lies a deep understanding of your purpose, the driving force that propels you forward, and your vision, the aspirational picture of what you hope to achieve. Your skills are the tools that enable you to translate your purpose into reality and bring your vision to life.Dedicate time to reflect on what truly motivates you, what causes you to wake up energized and eager to make a difference. Ask yourself:What issues or challenges am I passionate about addressing?What impact do I want to make on the world?What legacy do I aspire to leave behind?What values guide my actions and decisions?Through this process of self-discovery, you'll uncover your purpose.


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2 Your story

Your story is the narrative that connects your purpose with your audience. It is the way you share your background, experiences, challenges, and achievements, and how they shaped your personal brand. Your story should be authentic, engaging, and relevant, and highlight your personality, skills, and values. To craft your story, ask yourself questions like: What is your origin story? What are your key milestones? What are your successes and failures? How did you overcome obstacles?

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  • Pooja Soni Building Impactful Personal Brands | 470k @LinkedIn | Organic Growth Hacker | LinkedIn Top Personal Branding Voice

    I started building my personal brand 2 years ago, but I didn't have any clear goals.- I was always there for my followers when they needed me.- Providing them with values and inspiration through my content.- I was a loud and proud voice against immoral activities taking place in the corporate world.- Always standing up for what was right.And that's it. I started gaining more followers' support.Yes, there were many obstacles like, - Handling trolling wisely- facing lots of criticism etc.But stick to your values and goals. People will support you anyway.My failure;I recently suffered a deep depression,So unable to maintain consistency, I lose touch with my followers.But it's never too late to start again. ll grow again. :)


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  • Your story has the ability to transform & inspire millions of minds! Be authentic and share your story, use it to connect with your audience on a deeper note and motivate them


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  • Your story is the core of your personal brand. So always ensure to keep it at the centre. Remember, stories are a great way to connect with people on a deep level. So use your story as the foundation on which your personal brand will be built. Here is how you can create a compelling story that will help you build a strong personal brand:1. Always set the scene with the right emotions. 2. Make sure to add your personality to your story. 3. Glide people through your story smoothly.4. Don't ever force your story on people. 5. Share your transformative journey.6. Always be authentic when you share your story. Remember, people might forget your content but they'll never forget your story.


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  • A little Different can make all the Difference. When telling your story look to express what sets you apart from the sea of mediocrity. When we try to blend in, our branding, to be like everyone else, we become 1 in almost a Billion on [In], and that is my definition of Personal Blanding™. What we want to really become is #1 in a Billion for our target audience. Go Grand, Never Bland, Brand to Land &#KeepRockingLinkedIn!KevinOn a Mission to Eliminate Organizational & Personal Blanding™


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  • Every single one of us has a story. It's what makes us unique. Our personal brands are the stories behind the resumes. The who behind the what. 🌶️ The more you share our story - the ups, downs, and lessons learned along the way - the more people your personal brand will attract. 🌶️ The more people your personal brand attracts, the more opportunity comes your way. I like to say that LinkedIn is not a social media platform. It's a serendipity manifestation platform. It's cheesy, but it's true. Building a personal brand here makes manifesting that serendipity a whole lot easier. Hi5, LD🌶️


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3 Your voice

Your voice is the tone and style of your communication. It is how you express your purpose and story, and how you interact with your audience. Your voice should be consistent, clear, and compelling, and reflect your brand identity, values, and goals. To develop your voice, ask yourself questions like: What words and phrases do you use? How do you structure your sentences? How do you convey emotion and humor? How do you adapt to different channels and contexts?

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  • Your voice is your unique style of interacting with your audience. It sets you apart from the crowd. To set your voice:Decide what kind of brand you wanna build- thought leader/expert/mentor/etcWhat you wanna be known for- nicheWhat kind of content you wanna create- shortform/long formWhat tone you wanna use- authoritative ir friendly Etc.


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  • Lisa McGuire, Ed.S. Position your brand by aligning with your design. Define your identity, Determine your ideal direction, Differentiate yourself in the industry. | Your Passion, Purpose and Personal Brand podcast.

    This is one of the most powerful ways to build a memorable personal brand. Determining who you are will allow you to know what to feature in your personal brand voice. Sassy? Conservative? Skeptical? Caring?Your brand voice sends a message to the person who is looking for you. It answers the question - "Are you my person?" Don't be afraid to be polarizing. It will attract the right people and send the others away.

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4 Your visuals

Your visuals are the images and graphics that represent your personal brand. They include your logo, colors, fonts, photos, videos, and icons. Your visuals should be professional, attractive, and memorable, and convey your brand personality, message, and value proposition. To create your visuals, ask yourself questions like: What is your brand archetype? What is your color palette? What is your typography? What is your style guide?

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  • Prepare a color palette for your brand- Pick particular colors you’ll be using for your brand that matches your values/objectives Pick fontsAnd keep them consistent everywhere


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  • If we retain 10% of what we hear, 20% of what we read, and 80% of what we see, the visual presentation on our personal branding is even more important than many realize. So, in a sea of text on LinkedIn, to get your Profile visitors to devour what you bring to the table and ask for more, don't forget those tasty Visuals. Spend time developing a coordinated and strategic visual augmentation of your content message. Focus your Visuals on, but don't limit yourself to your Profile photo, Background photo, Featured section, Post Content, and Rich media uploads to help tell your story and create demand. Without supportive visuals, we are committing Personal Blanding™!Go Grand, Never Bland, Brand to Land &#KeepRockingLinkedIn!Kevin

  • Hanna Takala Practical personal brand coaching and other social media training services for your needs @ Zentotiimi | Looking for Employee Advocacy Community Manager opportunities

    Remember: you are allowed to think the professionalism and attractiveness of your visuals more broadly than you probably think.


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  • Lisa McGuire, Ed.S. Position your brand by aligning with your design. Define your identity, Determine your ideal direction, Differentiate yourself in the industry. | Your Passion, Purpose and Personal Brand podcast.

    Your visuals reflect the level of experience people will receive when working with you. Not only are they the graphics and fonts, it's also how you show up as a human. Do you have a profile photo that reflects your brand? Do your personal brand photos highlight what you do? Your visual brand on your social profile or website acts as your online storefront.


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  • When I reflect on personal branding, the adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words," rings true.Consistent Imagery: Use a consistent theme or filter for your photos, providing a unified look across platforms.Personal Style: Your clothing, accessories, or even backdrop in videos/photos can become signature elements, immediately recognizable as "yours."Symbols and Icons: Beyond just a logo, symbols can be utilized to represent various facets of your brand or milestones in your journey.By integrating these advanced visual elements, you further differentiate and elevate your personal brand in a crowded digital space.

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5 Your platform

Your platform is the online and offline presence that showcases your personal brand. It includes your website, blog, social media, portfolio, podcast, newsletter, and events. Your platform should be user-friendly, accessible, and updated, and provide value and engagement to your audience. To build your platform, ask yourself questions like: Who is your target audience? Where do they hang out? What are their pain points and interests? What are your goals and metrics?

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  • Lisa McGuire, Ed.S. Position your brand by aligning with your design. Define your identity, Determine your ideal direction, Differentiate yourself in the industry. | Your Passion, Purpose and Personal Brand podcast.

    I find many people want to jump into the latest platform to think they can capture attention. I prefer to take a strategic approach. Where is your audience? What are your goals? Brand awareness, building a following, offering value, creating connections? It's more than about having a platform. It's asking how does the platform fit into your overall business goals?


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  • LinkedIn isn't just for job hunting; it's a prime spot to shine your personal brand. Think of it like your professional stage, where you can be the star! Here's a simple guide to get started:LinkedIn Banner: Reflect your brand colors and style. It's the first thing people see.Featured Thumbnails: Keep them consistent with your brand palette.Post Design: Maintain a theme. Similar colors and design elements make your content stand out. Profile Photo: Make it professional and in tune with your brand. Your background can hint at your expertise.


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  • Mohamed Elawadi, MBA Strategic Marketing Consultant | Marketing Manager | Outsourcing Specialist | Driving Business Growth through Customized Solutions

    staying visible is crucial. Make yourself known by attending events, networking, and seeking media exposure. Share your expertise through webinars, Q&A sessions, and social media engagement.Craft a Compelling Value PropositionClearly define your target audience and explain how you solve their problems uniquely. Communicate your value proposition effectively to attract clients.Promote Your Brand ActivelyDon't wait for opportunities. Actively promote your brand through content, social engagement, interviews, and community involvement. Organic promotion builds a strong and visible brand.

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6 Your network

Your network is the community of people who support, endorse, and collaborate with your personal brand. It includes your mentors, peers, clients, partners, fans, and influencers. Your network should be diverse, relevant, and active, and offer opportunities for learning, feedback, and growth. To expand your network, ask yourself questions like: Who are the key players in your niche? How can you connect with them? How can you add value to them? How can you leverage their reach and influence?

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  • The old adage "Your Network is Your Net Worth" stands true IRL and on LinkedIn. Connections or followers do not make a network until you engage in mutually beneficial activity. Remember "Networking Always Beats Not Working!"Go Grand, Never Bland, Brand to Land &#KeepRockingLinkedIn!KevinOn a Mission to Eliminate Organizational & Personal Blanding™


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  • Akash Goel 30k+ | Linkedin Top Voice | 360° Strategic Marketing Manager | PR | Digital Marketing | Global Branding | Public Speaker

    Building connections that align with your personal brand and foster growth.How you express yourself—whether it's formal, casual, informative, or creative.

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  • Mohamed Elawadi, MBA Strategic Marketing Consultant | Marketing Manager | Outsourcing Specialist | Driving Business Growth through Customized Solutions

    Your connections are crucial for building your personal brand. Not only will they help you expand your network, but they can also provide valuable testimonials that speak volumes about your character.Leverage Your ConnectionsNurture relationships with clients, colleagues, and industry experts. These connections can lead to testimonials that highlight your skills, work ethic, and commitment to excellence.Gather and Showcase TestimonialsMake it easy for people to leave testimonials and feature them prominently on your website, social media profiles, and marketing materials. Use testimonials in presentations, proposals, and email campaigns to reinforce your credibility.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Jyotishree Datta Majumder LinkedIn Personal Branding Strategist 👩🏻💻 Creating strong personal brands for founders and coaches🔥 Increase brand awareness and get more leads with your personal brand 📈

    The key to personal branding is turning your experiences into content that inspires, educates, and makes your audience take some action.If you want a strong personal brand, share your experiences, learnings, and everything that can add value & give your audience food for thought.


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  • Akash Goel 30k+ | Linkedin Top Voice | 360° Strategic Marketing Manager | PR | Digital Marketing | Global Branding | Public Speaker

    Actively participating in conversations, sharing insights, and providing value within your niche.Crafting a strong personal brand involves aligning these elements to create a coherent and impactful image that resonates with your target audience.


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  • Marius Vetrici PhD

    I see again and again people connecting better when they share the same beliefs and values.By explicitly communicating the values you believe in, you will immediately start attracting the right type of people for your audience.

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  • Sivateja V Vemuri Sr. Technical Program Manager @ OpenText | MBA, PgMP, PMP, Google Cloud Architect | Driving Cloud Transformation

    Apart from all the key perspectives mentioned here, I believe the Core Values that the person projects and practices are very important.Authenticity, Trustworthiness, Leadership, Being Secure in what they do and Empathy are some of such values.When people want to partner, collaborate, hire or follow someone , these things stand out in the long term.

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  • I'd say, above all else, your brand is the reflection of what your customers say, feel and think about you. Revolutionizes everything. It's no longer about "my voice ", "my story", "my platform", "my visual elements". It's about "our story". Our platform, our symbols that unite us. This is what differentiates a legacy business from an average small business.

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Personal Branding What are your key personal branding elements? (268)

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.