How to Design a Homepage for Your Website – Squarespace (2024)

1. Set your homepage goals

Start by defining what you want your homepage to do for your brand or business. At this stage you should figure out:

  • Who you want to view your website

  • What you want visitors to do after landing on your homepage

  • How you want your brand to make visitors feel

First, identify who you want your homepage to speak to. Are you trying to reach a general audience or a specific expert niche? One helpful practice is to imagine your ideal follower or customer. Imagine their age, what other brands they like, and what they’re looking for when they find your website.

Next, decide what you want that ideal visitor to do on your homepage. Is their goal to view your work, schedule an appointment with you, or buy something? The place you want to lead visitors is your call-to-action (CTA).

A graphic designer, for example, may want to both share a portfolio of their work and get clients to request a project quote. A personal trainer might want to get visitors to join their membership website or sign up for one-on-one training.

Finally, decide how you want visitors to feel when browsing your homepage. That feeling should reflect how you want your brand or business to make people feel. Is your brand’s mission to make people feel calmer? Do you want to show your bold artistic style to clients? Identifying this will help you make design choices when it’s time to build your homepage.

2. Put together your content

It’s good to have a few things in place when building your homepage:

  • Custom domain name

  • Business or brand name

  • Page title

  • Images (licensed stock photos are OK)

  • Copy

  • CTAs

These are the basic things that will help you get an early version of your website online quickly. Remember, these don’t need to be final or perfect to launch. For example, it might make sense to license stock images or feature shots from your social media feed while you work on getting images together.

You don’t need to write a ton of copy to get started either. Check out the homepages of peers or other brands and use those as a guide. You can likely launch a homepage with just a page title, a few sentences about you or your business, and a CTA that pushes visitors to learn more or browse your store.

After you’re set up, you can make changes anytime. It’s not uncommon to add search keywords or update images after a website is launched.

3. Design your homepage

Keep in mind these best practices when making your homepage design:

  • Choose a simple layout

  • Decide where you want to lead visitors

  • Pick a palette and fonts that are easy to read

  • Create a design that reflects your brand personality

  • Make it accessible

Your web page should be easy to navigate and give visitors everything they need to follow through with your homepage goal. For a consultant, that might mean including client testimonials, pricing, and a link to book an appointment. For an online store, that could include featuring top products.

To choose a design that fits your brand, refer to the personality you defined in step one. Choose colors, images, and fonts that reflect the feeling you want visitors to get from your website.

Use a website template to get started quickly. Choose a template that fits your industry and customize it. Squarespace’s website builder can even help you make a custom template based on your needs. To finish, simply add the content you pulled together in step two.

Finally, before you launch, test the page and any links in different web browsers. Test everything on both your computer and a mobile device to cover your bases.

4. Launch your website homepage

Once your homepage is live, share it broadly. Post about the launch on your social media accounts and share with any existing customers you already have.

Make sure to update your website regularly, especially your homepage. As you get more visitors, you can use metrics from their website visits to inform your updates. A few details can help you choose a set of pages or details to update.

  • Conversions: Are visitors following through on the goal of your homepage or other landing pages? If not, consider updating your CTA copy or changing its placement. For important updates or CTAs, add an announcement banner or pop-up.

  • Keyword data: Look at what search engine terms are driving new visitors to your website. See if you can optimize your website copy to work in those SEO terms.

  • Popular pages: Does one of your pages or products get more traffic than the rest? Try to figure out what’s working well on that page and if there are lessons to apply to others.

Your homepage is just the starting point for your full web design. To build a strong online presence that grows your business, remember to add other pages like a Contact page or online store.

How to Design a Homepage for Your Website – Squarespace (2024)


How do I make a good homepage on Squarespace? ›

By using several page sections on a single layout page, you can create a visually arresting homepage where visitors can scroll through a lot of content in one place and click through to learn more. You can alternate between image-heavy sections and text-centric sections to make your content more dynamic.

How do I set a page as my homepage in Squarespace? ›

In the Pages panel , hover over the page's title and click. . In page settings, scroll down and click Set as Homepage. Click Confirm in the message that appears.

How do I make my Squarespace website look professional? ›

When you're ready to launch a Squarespace website, here are 5 key elements to brand your site.
  1. Add a Logo to Your Squarespace Website.
  2. Add a Favicon to Your Squarespace Website.
  3. Add Photos to Your Squarespace Website.
  4. Change Your Squarespace Website Fonts.
  5. Pick Custom Colors for Your Squarespace Website.
  6. There you have it!

How do I make a perfect homepage? ›

  1. Keep your layout clean and easy to navigate. Keeping your homepage's layout clean and clutter-free is essential. ...
  2. Add high resolution images. A picture is worth a thousand words, right? ...
  3. Ensure your color scheme and background work well together. ...
  4. Optimize your homepage buttons. ...
  5. Update content frequently.
Jan 15, 2023

How do I make a good homepage? ›

What You Should Include in Your Website Homepage Design
  1. Headline. Within three seconds, a website needs to tell visitors what the business has to offer. ...
  2. Sub-headline. ...
  3. Primary Calls-to-Action. ...
  4. Supporting Image. ...
  5. Benefits. ...
  6. Social Proof. ...
  7. Navigation. ...
  8. Content Offer.
May 28, 2021

Do I own my website on Squarespace? ›

“When you upload content to Squarespace, you still own it. You do, however, give us permission to use it in the ways necessary to provide our services [...] We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the Services at any time at our sole discretion and without notice.

How do you create a page layout in Squarespace? ›

Open the Pages panel and click +. Under pages, click Page layouts, then select the layout type you want, like About or Contact. Browse options for that layout type and click the one you want to start with. Enter a page title, then press Enter to save.

What is a layout page in Squarespace? ›

At its simplest, a layout is one file (typically named site. region ). This is used as the main template (like index. php in Wordpress).

Do professional web designers use Squarespace? ›

The answer is yes. Many web designers use Squarespace as a platform for their portfolios and to build websites for their clients. Squarespace is known for its user-friendly interface, drag-and-drop functionality, and its professionally designed templates.

Do professionals use Squarespace? ›

The benefits of Squarespace aren't just what you're able to hand over to your client. The platform is designed to streamline workflows for professionals and beginners alike. Because the platform is built as an all-in-one solution, you won't need to waste time figuring out how to integrate multiple tools and plug-ins.

Do Squarespace sites rank well? ›

Yes, Squarespace sites can rank well on Google and any other search engine. The key is using good SEO practices, quality content, and relevant keywords.

What is the difference between a website and a homepage? ›

What is a home page? A home page is the top-level page of a website and is typically the first page that visitors will see when they arrive at a website. The home page usually contains an overview of the website, as well as links to the other pages within the website.

What would be on a homepage of a website? ›

One of your main objectives for the Home page should be to make it clear what you do and how you can solve a unique problem for your potential customers. AND then make it clear HOW they can work with you or purchase from you.

Is Squarespace good for landing pages? ›

A dedicated landing page on Squarespace does not have multiple links or navigations like a typical web page. It is, therefore, less likely to distract visitors, motivating them to take action with a clear CTA.

How do I optimize Squarespace? ›

How to do SEO on Squarespace
  1. Do Keyword Research. Modern SEO is more about topic optimization and searcher intent than simple keywords. ...
  2. Offer High Quality Content. ...
  3. Optimize Your Page Title Tags. ...
  4. Use Keywords in Headings and Meta Descriptions. ...
  5. Keep URLs Simple. ...
  6. Improve Your Images. ...
  7. Remove Duplicate Content. ...
  8. Turn on SSL.
Mar 30, 2024

How SEO friendly is Squarespace? ›

Squarespace is a good platform for SEO. While it may not offer the same level of flexibility as some other website builders, it provides a user-friendly environment. In addition to that, it does have many built-in SEO features, but your success will depend on your content quality, keyword optimization, and SEO efforts.


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.