How to Design a Website Homepage (With Examples) (2024)

What we mean when we talk about good web design

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Web design refers to the planning, creating, and presenting of a website's front end—i.e. the part that people see and interact with. Website homepage design falls under this umbrella.

Good website homepage design is human-centered. It guides the target audience to achieve their goals or accomplish their 'jobs to be done' (JTBD).

User goals or jobs range from tasks like drilling a quarter-inch hole to donating to a nonprofit. Either way, you want a homepage that moves a prospect to your electric drill product page or makes it easy for a donor to send money to your cause.

Keeping the user-centric purpose of homepage design in mind, you’re ready to tweak, redesign, or build your website from scratch. Start with the small actions that make up each step 👣:

Part I: pre-design

1. Conduct market and customer research

Research is the foundation of web design. For a solid start, combine quantitative and qualitative methods. Gather the numbers from your website and customer analytics tools, and get real stories, experiences, and opinions based on market and behavioral trends. Here are sample sources and metrics for each data type:

  • For quantitative data, check average time on page, bounce rate, conversion rate, devices, top pages, and even purchases (for ecommerce websites)

  • For qualitative data, use online reviews, customer feedback, email surveys, customer support tickets, and user interviews

Buyer personas

Buyer personas are broader categories of your ideal customer profile. Once you’ve found your staunch supporters, break it down into two or more user personas: i.e. individual consumer or decision-maker types.

You’ll need

  • Demographic data (e.g. age, location, and job title)

  • Behavioral data (e.g. the path they take on your site, the pages they linger on, and the content they engage with)

  • Campaign data (e.g. conversion pages and sale or lead drivers)

Jobs to be done (JTBD)

While buyer personas categorize your ideal customer profile based on shared characteristics, the JTBD framework segments your ICP based on their desired outcome. That is: what particular job do people 'hire' your product or service for? Going back to our earliest examples, customers could be hiring your electric drill to drill a quarter-inch hole quickly or your donation platform to donate to nonprofits efficiently.

To understand your ICP’s jobs to be done, connect with your ICP using on-page or email surveys and user interviews. Ask about their main goal and their main barrier to achieving that goal. Narrow down common themes and, if you have time, conduct another interview to confirm your ICP’s jobs to be done.

Part II: design

4. Choose a layout that makes sense to your audience

Whether it looks like a jungle, clearing, or anything in between, your layout should work for its intended audience. So, forget about trends and focus on the actual user experience.

For software firm TechSmith, this meant consulting Hotjar Heatmaps to ensure they made correct design decisions. When they saw via click maps that visitors were clicking on product icons instead of call-to-action (CTA) buttons, they made the whole area clickable during a redesign.

Some worried team members doubted the change. However, another look at heatmaps showed users interacted heavily with the sparse menu layout and image-centric page body, effectively improving their potential customers' experience.

7. Keep your content fresh

Besides being user-centric, it’s crucial to keep your homepage search engine-friendly. Understand what drives visitors to your websites via the keywords they use, and perform search engine optimization (SEO) best practices to boost your ranking and visibility.

Check out Hotjar’s homepage, where the people’s needs are front and center, followed by the USP. Right below the fold is a section displaying social proof, building credibility and enticing people to scroll down. When we’re sure the top-billed information has held your attention, we finally outline user-centric solutions, seeing to it that the copy is relevant to what users expect and want.

8. Let your brand personality shine

Ensure branding elements work together and don't distract users. Experts who know how to analyze homepage design will tell you that combining colors, typography, imagery, and other visual elements is pretty potent—it can make people feel emotions like happiness, curiosity, or skepticism.

Furthermore, strong brands have long-lasting power due to the familiarity, affinity, trust, and excitement they awaken in humans.

How to Design a Website Homepage (With Examples) (2024)


How do you structure a website homepage? ›

In general, these—a hero message, leading content block, product overview, trust building content, and call to action—are the most common and used components of a website's homepage design. They form the foundation of a narrative structure that introduces your message, brand and services.

How do I create a website homepage? ›

Essential Home Page Elements to Include
  1. Logo and Navigation. We'll start with two elements every website needs to have: a logo and a navigation bar. ...
  2. A Compelling Headline. Under your logo and navigation bar is the first place your visitor's eyes will go to. ...
  3. A Descriptive Subheading. ...
  4. A Call-to-Action. ...
  5. Content Below the Fold.
Dec 18, 2019

What is home page example? ›

The term may also refer to the start page shown in a web browser when the application first opens. Usually, the home page is located at the root of the website's domain or subdomain. For example, if the domain is , the home page is likely located at .

What is the simplest way to design a web page? ›

  1. Decide what type of website you want to make. Any website you create begins with a clear website goal and target audience. ...
  2. Choose your website builder. ...
  3. Pick your template. ...
  4. Customize your template to your brand. ...
  5. Build your site structure. ...
  6. Add your pages. ...
  7. Fill your pages with engaging content.

How should a home page be structured? ›

Home page structure and what to include
  1. Impactful top section. We'll presume your business has a good logo and navigation that is logical, and they'll often be placed in the top section of the site in a horizontal format. ...
  2. Explain what you offer. ...
  3. Call to action. ...
  4. Add any other useful information. ...
  5. Make sure it works on mobile.
Apr 25, 2023

How do I make a good website layout? ›

How to design a good-looking website
  1. Keep your design balanced.
  2. Compartmentalize your design by using grids.
  3. Pick two or three base colors at most for your design.
  4. Try to make the graphics go well together.
  5. Improve your website's typography.
  6. Make elements stand out by adding white space around them.
Mar 20, 2024

What is the difference between a website and a homepage? ›

What is a home page? A home page is the top-level page of a website and is typically the first page that visitors will see when they arrive at a website. The home page usually contains an overview of the website, as well as links to the other pages within the website.

What is home page layout? ›

The homepage website layout is the first thing a user sees when clicking through a search result or a link. This is your chance to create the first impression with your potential customers, and you should make it right every time.

How should a website look like? ›

Well Designed and Functional. Your site reflects your company, your products, your services and ultimately your brand. So it's important to be visually appealing, polished and professional. Allow white space, uncluttered layouts with quality photographs and graphics look and let your message shine through.

What makes an effective home page? ›

Some elements of excellent website homepage design include your logo, branding information, social proof, and an intro to your team and products. However, there's much more you can – and should – cover if you want an amazing homepage. Do you have any questions about best practices for website homepage design?

What is the first page of a website called? ›

The first page of a website is called homepage. The definition of a website is a page or collection of pages on the World Wide Web that contains specific information provided by one person or entity and traces back to a common Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

What are basic rules of web page design? ›

11 rules to follow when designing a website
  • Have a purpose. ...
  • Know your users. ...
  • Create a smooth user journey. ...
  • Keep it simple. ...
  • Be consistent. ...
  • Prioritize visual hierarchy. ...
  • Publish quality content. ...
  • Design for multiple devices.
May 27, 2022

Can a beginner design a website? ›

The short answer? Yes! While coding can allow advanced customization, it is by no means required to have a polished online presence. Thanks to intuitive drag-and-drop website builders offered by WordPress and most other platforms, creating a website is more accessible than ever, even for beginners.

What are standard website homepage dimensions? ›

1280px and 1920px are the two standard widths for web design. A 1280px website will look great on laptops and mobile devices but not so great on large monitors. To ensure your site looks just as good on big screens as it does on small screens, set your max site width to 1920px or more.

What are the three 3 basic website structures? ›

Web sites are built around basic structural themes. These fundamental architectures govern the navigational interface of the Web site and mold the user's mental models of how the information is organized. Three essential structures can be used to build a Web site: sequences, hierarchies, and webs.


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.